Notepad++ should be installed and find entries in the Programs and Features in the Control Panel.
Change the “npp.7.9.Installer.exe” with your downloaded version. Enter the following command: npp.7.9.Installer.exe /S. Open a CMD by Right-Clicking on CMD and select Run as Administrator. Save the file to a folder created at (C:\Install_Test). Download Notepad ++ 32-bit from the official site:. Once you've got the basic keyboard shortcuts committed to muscle memory, you'll work faster in Vi than you've worked in any editor.READ ALSO - Adobe Air silent install uninstall msi and exe version How to Install Notepad++ Silently (MSI & EXE) Notepad++ (32-bit) (EXE) Silent Install It's unquestionably a learning curve, but one that pays dividends. For instance, you don't copy with Ctrl+C and paste with Ctrl+V because Vi has its own set of quick shortcuts that optimize key presses. In Vi, you don't use your mouse or any of the keyboard shortcuts you're used to in other editors. If you're ever in doubt about which mode you're in, just press Esc, and you can be sure that you're now in command mode.
Remember, to enter command mode, press Esc. It's very much as its name advertises: In insert mode, you can insert text, so there's nothing to learn except, maybe, touch typing.Ĭommand mode, however, has a wealth of keyboard shortcuts and commands for you to discover. There's not much to say about insert mode. In insert mode, you can type and edit text and use the arrow keys to navigate around your document. Get used to that you'll be pressing Esc a lot in Vi. You can always get back to command mode by pressing Esc on your keyboard. Because Vi doesn't have a menu bar like most applications have, you use command mode to tell Vi what you want to do next (move up or down a line, delete a character or a whole word, copy and paste, and so on.)
Command mode is the default, and you can think of it as Vi's menu.
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