There are however some primary or ‘basic’ aspects/definitions to P/Cs that I do touch on below. It should be noted that these P/C highlights, and the study of P/Cs at-large, are supplied in brevity and in no way are comprehensive in capturing all the complexity, theories, or variance of P/Cs around the world.

Below I highlight these points to extrapolate aspects of language variation and change insights later. To understand or find insights in language variation and change through the lens of pidgins and creoles (P/C), it is important to first understand some of the basic broad strokes of how P/Cs are formed - the context(s) and developmental aspects of both. Pidgins and Creoles Development and Context In conclusion, I reflect and offer my own perspective on the what can be observed from pidgins and creoles. After providing a grounding into the dynamics and development of pidgins and creoles, I pull insights from them regarding language variation and change and what can be extrapolated from pidgins and creoles in a sociolinguistic perspective. Herein is an abridged review of the development, contexts and processes of creoles and pidgins, with highlights on a certain pidgin-creole continuum.